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Forget New Year’s Resolutions – How about Daily Resolutions?

Forget New Year’s Resolutions – How about Daily Resolutions?

With the inception of every new year, people love talking about resolutions – ways they can make improvements in the coming year. I’m not one of these people. When it’s time for change or improvement, I believe that now is as good a time as any to...

You are beautiful: Part 1 (an ongoing series until you believe it)

People can be mean. Even when they don’t mean to be. Sometimes those offhand remarks leave the biggest scar. You never know how someone feels about themselves and words hurts. Intentional or not. Directly or indirectly. Actually, it’s not the words...
Being fearless

Being fearless

Abhaya mudra (or mudra of No Fear). Represents protection, peace, benevolence, and dispelling of fear. Photo credit: Me (Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California, circa 2007) Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a...
Oh happy day! …Small ways to make your day a happier one

Oh happy day! …Small ways to make your day a happier one

I’ve been offline for almost 2 months. Deep in the Amazon jungle. Disconnecting in order to reconnect with Self and Nature. So much insight and learning that I hope to share with you over this and upcoming posts. I should preface this particular post by stating...