Life in the Time of Coronavirus
Last Tuesday, we took our regular afternoon coffee break at our local cafe and then went out for pizza later that evening. We joked that it might be the last time. The next day our cafe was closed. A day later all the restaurants and bars would have to close as per...

Letting it all melt away in the hot springs
In light of this darn Grand Cross thing (or whatever the energetic reason is that my ATM card has been compromised and other not-awesome things), I'm thinking fondly back to our recent trip to Lares Hot Springs and wishing I was back there again, luxuriating in a...

Forget New Year’s Resolutions – How about Daily Resolutions?
With the inception of every new year, people love talking about resolutions – ways they can make improvements in the coming year. I’m not one of these people.
You are beautiful: Part 1 (an ongoing series until you believe it)
People can be mean. Even when they don't mean to be. Sometimes those offhand remarks leave the biggest scar. You never know how someone feels about themselves and words hurts. Intentional or not. Directly or indirectly. Actually, it's not the words themselves that are...

Easy Homemade: Nut Milk
Many people I know are moving away from dairy for one reason or another. Personally, I do consume dairy products on occasion, opting for local and raw sources. But more often these days, I look to alternatives - nut milk, for example. I've been using nut milk for many...

My Morning Ritual: Warm Lemon (or Lime) Water
Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos. ~Thich Nhat Hanh First, apologies for being MIA for a while. Time got the better of me over the last few months with an abundance of VIP visitors (ie. family and BFFs) plus the start of many...

Being fearless
Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom. ~Marilyn Ferguson

Take a bold (or baby) step out of your comfort zone
I resolve to… The new year is well on it's way. So I may be a little late in announcing that my New Year's resolution was to continue to push myself out of my comfort zone. To honour my resolution, the first thing I did was run off to the Amazon jungle. Ok, so it was...

Oh happy day! …Small ways to make your day a happier one
I've been offline for almost 2 months. Deep in the Amazon jungle. Disconnecting in order to reconnect with Self and Nature. So much insight and learning that I hope to share with you over this and upcoming posts. I should preface this particular post by stating that I...
la chocolatada: holiday giving in peru
It's my first Christmas in Cusco. And my friend Elizabeth and her husband Erick (who own two of my favourite restaurants in Cusco - Uchu and Marcelo Batata) helped organize a chocolatada in the Sacred Valley. And they needed help. So I volunteered without a clue of...